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Writer's pictureMatt Fackert

Experiential: IDEASPACE

Updated: Jul 9, 2019

The maker movement is allowing everyone to be able to make and create almost anything, This got me to thinking as effective as the MakerSpace model is, could you do the same for an Ideas, an 'IdeaSpace' give people the creative resources and space to use design thinking to create. Think of it a cross between instructables and MAKE. Thomas Edison famously said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Every day, new solutions, revolutionary cures, and artistic breakthroughs are conceived and squandered by smart people. Along with the gift of creativity come the obstacles to making ideas a reality: a lack of organization, a lack of accountability and lack of community support. The most productive creative people and teams in the world reveal a common trait: a carefully trained capacity for idea execution. Implementing your ideas is a skill that can be taught. While many of us obsess about discovering great new ideas, It is proven why it is better to develop the capacity to create and implement ideas - using old-fashioned passion and perspiration. The practical yet counter intuitive techniques of "serial creatives" - those few who make their visions a reality do not just come up with ideas they make these Ideas happen

This brings me to id-initiatives' latest vision to create a MakerSpace that gives you the tools, and the equipment to create and learn. It will be a space that anyone can come to and learn the skills they want and need to learn for their projects and ideas and also provide the equipment to make it happen.

Welcome to a new way to learn...

“College and universities are an amazing resource, but once you enter the workforce, there are very limited resources to allow adults to continue to learn. "

College and universities are an amazing resource, but once you enter the workforce, there are very limited resources to allow adults to continue to learn.

There are two basic types of innovation . There's sustaining innovation, which will sustain an existing institution or an organization, and disruptive innovation that will break it apart, create some different way of doing it. There are formal settings -- schools, colleges, hospitals -- in which innovation can take place, and informal settings -- communities, families, social networks. In the developing world there just aren't teachers for schools.

So that's why we need three more kinds of innovation: Re-invention, . We need more re-invention. And all around the world now you see more and more schools reinventing themselves. They're recognizably schools, but they look different. There are Big Picture schools in the U.S. and Australia. There is an amazing school in Northern Queensland called Jaringan. And they all have the same kind of features: highly collaborative, very personalized, often pervasive technology, learning that starts from questions and problems and projects, not from knowledge and curriculum. So we certainly need more of that. But because so many of the issues in education aren't just in school, they're in family and community, what you also need, definitely, is more on the right hand side. You need efforts to supplement schools. The most exciting is the Harlem Children's Zone, which over 10 years, led by Geoffrey Canada, has, through a mixture of schooling and family and community projects, attempted to transform not just education in schools, but the entire culture and aspiration of about 10,000 families in Harlem. We need more of that completely new and radical thinking.

Transformational innovation that could imagine getting learning to people in completely new and different ways. we need really radical ideas, and why radical thinking is now more possible and more needed than ever in how we learn. Ideaspace will embrace these ideas and allow for education, tools and resources that allow you to learn how to use design thinking to create things. Instead of designing then outsourcing

Imagine an education system that started from questions, not from knowledge to be imparted, or started from a game, not from a lesson, or started from the premise that you have to engage people first before you can possibly teach them. Our education systems, you do all that stuff afterward, if you're lucky, sport, drama, music.

How do you get learning to people when there are no teachers, when teachers give up, when you can't afford them, and even if you do get teachers, what they teach isn't relevant to the communities that they serve? Well, you create your own teachers. You create peer-to-peer learning, or you create para-teachers, or you bring in specialist skills. But you find ways to get learning that's relevant to people through technology, people and places that are different.

Ideaspace is that place, we will start small but then grow, and it will give people a place to go, grow and learn. From any age, and anyone can join there is no admissions but to have the will to learn...

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